foto-foto aktiviti dakwah dan kemanusiaan

foto-foto aktiviti dakwah dan kemanusiaan

Saturday, March 14, 2009


HR9808@IKRAR - adalah wadah bebas bukan partisan yang memfokus kepada kebajikan rakyat.
Singkatan;IKRAR (Ikatan Kebajikan Rakyat)

15 mac

Setelah kembali dari menghadiri Maulidur Rasul bertema " Kami rindu pada mu ya rasul" di Darut Tauhid Bandung.Saya tidak sempat membaca banyak artikel kerana sudah terlalu lewat. Jadi pagi ini baru dapat tulis sedikit. Jam 12 tghri ada pertemuan dengan teman yang datang ke Bandung untuk buat study banding dan merencanakan program " MINI BANDUNG di PERAK". Dan malam nanti Bahrin datang bersama isteri melihat peluang bisnes di Bandung...Semoga perancangan diberkati Allah..amin. Jika ada yang berminat untuk venture bisnes di sini silakan hubungi kami...!! Bisnes kena jalan kalau tidak alamat ghuyub le..

Maulidur Rasul yang disambut semalam bagi saya amat menarik:

1. Syahdu dan bermakna sekali kepada semua sekalipun anak muda. Ramai yang menangis ketika beberapa pengisi acara mengingatkan kembali tentang Rasul dan betapa cintanya beliau kepada umatnya.
2. Tidak pernah saya temukan program sebegini di Malaysia melainkan berarak dan para pemerintah dengan bongkak menceritakan agenda mereka. Sorry dah muak..apatah lagi jika mendengar ucapan dari kaki botol, kaki rasuah dan kaki betina berceramah. Semuanya para munafiq ini bergaya bagaikan pahlawan yang siap menjaga maruah agama dan negara. ,,Kantoi..memang kantoi. Nauzubillah. Tapi semalam..aduhh..terbawa seperti Rasul hidup didepan dan berkata-kata dengan para hadirin. Inilah suasana yang hilang dari kita di Malaysia..
3. 90% yang hadir adalah anak muda dan mudi. Mereka turut bernasyid bersama dan amat tertip sekali. APakah kita mampu lakukan di MAlaysia? Amat meragukan dan inilah kadar cinta kita kepada Rasul.
4. Pengisi acara juga dari kalangan artis yang sudah kembali bertaubat dan muallaf amat menyentuh qalbu kerana mereka bicara betul-betul dari hati mereka bukan dibibir sahaja. Mereka mengingatkan tentang betapa pentingnya kita mencontohi akhlak rasul dan mendapatkan ilmu dari ulama yang jelas perjuangannya..(bukan ulama hadhari..sorry). Dan pagi ini bila membuka web ikhwan saya amat terenyuh sekali bila mendengar Syeikh Dr. Hassan Al-Huwaidy telah kembali ke rahmatullah..Bermakna seorang lagi tokoh pejuang yang ikhlas mencontohi perjuangan, manhaj dan perjalanan Rasul meninggalkan kita semua. Semoga Allah menerima segala amalan beliau dan memberkati perjuangan yang pernah beliau laksanakan sepanjang hidupnya bersama IKHWAN MUSLIMIN..

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

"Of the believers are men who are true to the covenant which they made with Allah: so of them is he who accomplished his vow, and of them is he who yet waits, and they have not changed in the least" (Al-Ahzab: 23)

Dr. Hasan Al-Huwaidy, MB’s Deputy, died this morning, in Amman. His burial ceremony will be after Asr prayers on Friday 16th of Rabi` Al-Awal 1430 A.H, 13th of March 2009 AD. May Allah accept him and dwell him in His spacious paradise, May Allah grant his family, students and his companions’ patience and we are from Allah to and to Allah we return.

Condolences can be directed to the following number: 009626-5165866

His life:

He was born in, Deir Al-Zeir, Syria 1925 AD.

After obtaining scientific high school he joined faculty of medicine, Damascus University.

He obtained his PhD in medicine 1952 with Good grade, his PhD was on Hyper Thyroids, and then he obtained his internist degree from faculty of medicine, Damascus University.

He grew up in an Islamic home and his father was known in his city for his manners and piety, his father had a great effect on him (May the mercy of Allah be upon him).

He had passion for knowledge and he obtain most of the Islamic sciences when he was young on renounced scholars such as ‘Husain Ramdan Al-Khalidy’ Then he used to read the scholarly books on his own.

He joined Muslim brotherhood when he was still young and he witnessed the early generation like Mustafa As-Seba`y, during his high studies, he became member of the executive office of MB; he joined the group on 1943.

After graduation he went back to his home city Deir Al-Zeir and he opened a private clinic.

He continued his work with the group from his home city and then from Damascus, he was detained on 1967 in Deir Al-Zeir then was released then was detained again 1973 and put in Al-Mazah prison in Damascus.

He was chosen to be the general observer of MB’s affairs in Syria after the groups united in 1400 A.H, 1980 A.D, he held the general observer position for many runs.

He participated in many scientific and religious conferences and he gave many Islamic Da`wah lectures in Europe, US and many other Arab and Muslim countries.

He was chosen to be the MB’s leader’s deputy many times at the times of Hamid Abu Al-Nasr, Mustafa Mashour and Muhammad Ma`moun Al-Hudaiby (May the mercy of Allah be upon them)and he was the current leader’s deputy Mahdy Akef (May Allah grant him long life and pious deeds).

His Publications:

The true existence.

Fragrance of Guidance.

Free mixing’s dangers.

Ash-Shura in Islam.

Conceptions related to knowledge (in press)

MB leader, Mahdy Akef, sends his condolnces for his deputy Husain Al-Huwaidy’s death, he died in the Jordanain capital Amman after a long life filled with offerings on all different levels.

Akef said that words can not describe someone like Al-Howaidy’s character, and at a time when we have to part ways we say nothing but we are from Allah and to Allah we shall return.

‘we say to all Al-Howaidy’s compannions and students, walk on his footsteps, for he toke the Da`wah path for over than 66 years when he joined the Muslim Brotherhood in 1943 and he was the best person to carry the group’s banner in and out Syria. We ask Allah to grant him His mercy and that his first fottsteps to the hereafter today would be his footsteps to paradise’. Akef added

Dr. Hasan Al-Huwaidy burial ceremony will be in Amman, after Asr prayers on Friday 16th of Rabi` Al-Awal 1430 A.H, 13th of March 2009 AD.

Al-Huwaidy was chosen to be the MB’s leader deputy, Hamid Abu Al-Nasr (May the mercy of Allah be upon them). He was born in, Deir Al-Zeir, Syria 1925 AD.He obtained his PhD in medicine 1952 and he also obtained most of the Islamic sciences when he was young on the hands of renounced scholars such as ‘Husain Ramdan Al-Khalidy’ . He joined Muslim brotherhood when he was still young and he witnessed the early generation like Mustafa As-Seba`y.

He was detained in 1967 in Deir Al-Zeir then was released then was detained again 1973 and put in Al-Mazah prison in Damascus.

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