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foto-foto aktiviti dakwah dan kemanusiaan

Thursday, February 5, 2009


HR9808@IKRAR - adalah wadah bebas bukan partisan yang memfokus kepada kebajikan rakyat.Singkatan;
IKRAR (Ikatan Kebajikan Rakyat)

5 fEBR.

Beberapa sms yang saya terima dari Malaysia tentang Perak membuat hati yang kecil ini berdenyut kencang bagaikan bom mahu meletus. Saya bekejar dari Bandung ke Subang dan Jakarta dan kembali semula ke Bandung hampir 12 jam. Setelah tiba di Bandung barulah dapat membaca harakahdaily dan menulis komentar di blog ini.

Susah nak tulis perkataan yang baik kepada mereka yang terlibat dalam komplot jahat sehingga kerajaan yang sah dilantik oleh rakyat dihina, dimainkan dan dihancurkan oleh para lanun bertakhta. Sebelum ini aku berlapik juga dengan depa ni..tapi wallahi mula dari saat ini kome semua ni memang melaun. Aku tak peduli lagi kerana tidak ada sebab sebagai rakyat yang bebas merdeka takut kepada sesiapa pun termasuk para raja dan pemimpin negara yang korup.

Saya lihat dari beberapa aspek:

1. Peranan si pengkhianat yang suka melompat adalah satu pelajaran paling besar untuk PR apatah lagi Nasa yang baru sahaja melompat spring kepada lubuk lamanya. Tolong catatkan nama mereka di tiang-tiang batu bahawa anak cucu dan keturunan mereka ini adalah keturunan pengkhianat selama-lamanya selagi belum kembali ke pangkal jalan. (taubat nasuha).

2. Si pengkhianat ada kuncu juga dan taifah yang seharusnya diberi pelajaran yang sewajarnya samada oleh PR dan kaum keluarganya. Kerana hanya dengan boikot yang sebenarnya barulah mereka akan insaf. Teringat kisah Kaab bin Malik..bagaimana Rasul dan para sahabat mendidiknya sehingga dia kembali semula dan turun ayat atas pengampunannya. Ini suatu hal yang wajar dilakukan agar tidak berulang lagi kepada PR di masa akan datang. YB yang bukan Islam dari DAP juga harus tahu akibat dari perbuatan beliau yang merosakkan demokrasi dan kepercayaan rakyat kepada dia.

3. Najib dan jemaahnya juga wajar diberi pelajaran sekalipun di belakangnya ada polis. Ingat sdr kita di Palestin juga sama bahkan di belakang Israel ada USA dan sederet negara yang siap sedia untuk menghancurkan mereka, Tahniah YAB MB PR di Perak dan barisan Exco yang masih kukuh bertahan. Wallahi ,,wajib anda pertahankan dari sudut Islam dan undang-undang Malaysia. Kali ini biar para raja dan pemimpin pembuli rakyat tahu bahawa rakyat sekarang bukan rakyat zaman T. A. Rahman..."tak pa...biak ,,pi.." sampai akhirnya Singapura tergadai. NO way..Rasanya jika kita rujuk bab Taat yang diwajibkan hanya kepada raja/pemimpin yang adil dan tidak ada nash yang boleh diambil bagi menghormati pemerintah yang zalim. Apatah lagi pemimpin yang kaki botol, kaki perempuan, rasuah, ugut, bunuh dll.

4. Pemimpin PR tolong bertegas dengan semua pihak dan bawa kes ini ke pengadilan dan jika perlu libatkan pemantau International supaya mata dunia terbeliak melihat bakal PM Malaysia bertindak seperti gengster kampung. ...Sebelum ini di Monggolia dan sekarang dia beraksi pula di Perak. Dulu bom c4 sekarang bom apa pula?..Jika berani berlawan dengan kekuatan rakyat,,tafaddal ya khoiy.....1 tumbang 1000 akan bangun...Ini bukan Altantunnya tapi kononnya rakyat kamu sendiri dan sekarang kamu mahu hadapi silakan..!!!
Tolong pastikan keadilan kepada semua rakyat terutama rakyat Perak dengan paling minima diadakan semula pilihanraya kecil..

5. Wahai para ulama', para mufti, para a'milin, mujahid, aktivis harakah .. ..keluarkanlah gigi kamu semua dan janganlah membisu seribu bahasa!! INi maksiat dan kemungkaran yang amat besar..Lanun atau perompak merompak di depan mata kamu semua apakah wajar kamu berdiam?? Wahai sdr ku..tunjukkanlah sikap kalian spt mana para Rasul,Nabi-nabi, sahabat-sahabat, tabiin, ulama, solihin dan siddikin terdahulu bertindak......!!! Lihatlah realiti dunia yang kamu hadapi ini..!! Wallahi sdr ku..ini adalah bukti kukuh yang pemimpin Melayu Islam telah sesat dan dan cuba menyesatkan kita semua..Termasuk para rajanya..Jika kamu tidak mampu keluar bersuara.. maka ayuh mari kita sama hadrat Allah. Dan jika ini juga kamu enggan..maasaalamah..terbuktilah kamu sudah tiada iman yang hidup di hati kamu..semuanya sudah mati..mati dengan penyakit takut mati..

6. Sdr penyokong PR di seluruh Malaysia, ayuh mari kita angkat tangan setinggi-tingginya ke hadrat Allah yang Maha Kuat dan Maha Agung dengan memohon:

Ya Allah, Ya Qahhar, Ya Jabbar, Ya zal Jalaliwalikram...kami tadahkan tangan yang hina ini kepada MU, ..Ampunkanlah seluruh dosa-dosa kami samada yang kelihatan dan tersembunyi, dosa-dosa kaum keluarga kami, dosa-dosa pemimpin-pemimpin kami dan para penyokong PR dan muslimin dan muslimat sekalian.

Ya Allah,,hanya pada Mu kami serahkan segala urusan kami, segala hajat-hajat kami, segala cita-cita kami dan amanah kami. Hanya pada Mu kami berharap dan bermohon agar segala kezaliman, kesengsaraan, tipu daya musuh kami yang menimpa kami, Engkau menjadi pelindungnya, Engkau menjadi penyelamatnya dan hanya Engkau sahaja yang berhak menghukum siapa yang melakukannya. Ya Allah, ya Rahman,,Ya Rahim,. Ya Karim..Musnahkanlah perancangan jahat musuh-musuh kami dan rakyat yang mahukan keadilan dan perdamaian, Binasakanlah tipu daya jahat mereka dan menggantikannya dengan keamanan !! Ya Allah..Dengarkanlah bisikan kami ini..!! Amin ya Rabb!!!

Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat berkumpul di kediaman MB
Johari Jaafar
Thu | Feb 05, 09 | 4:47:01 pm MYT

IPOH, 5 Feb (Hrkh): 4.30 petang - Seluruh pimpinan PAS Pusat dan Pakatan Rakyat, termasuk Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang dan pimpinan tertinggi ketiga-tiga parti, petang ini berkumpul di kediaman Menteri Besar Perak.

Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Hadi Awang yang baru pulang dari Gaza dikatakan akan terus bergegas ke Perak.

Mereka akan berbincang bagi mementukan tindakan seterusnya bagi menyelamatkan demokrasi dan mempertahankan hak rakyat.

Turut hadir MB Selangor, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, MB Kedah, Dato' Seri Azizan Abdul Razak dan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng.

Sementara itu solat hajat dan munajat perdana yang sepatutnya diadakan di kediaman MB akan dipindahkan ke Stadium Perak atas nasihat pihak keselamatan.

Orang ramai dinasihatkan tidak melakukan provokasi, kekacuan dan bertindak di luar batasan undang-undang.

Rakyat Perak diminta bertenang, berdoa dan solat hajat memohon kepada Allah S.W.T. supaya Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat dapat dipertahankan.

Solat Hajat dan Munajat Perdana akan dipimpin oleh Dato' Tuan Guru Presiden PAS.

Semua pimpinan tertinggi dan MB akan memberi ucapan selepas Solat Hajat.

Dalam perkembanmgan lain, sehingga kini pembubaran Dun belum berlaku lagi,

Tuanku Sultan masih belum memberi perkenan Dun dibubarkan. Malahan Tuanku meminta Menteri Besar letak jawatan. Namun begitu Mohamad Nizar bertegas tidak akan meletak jawatan.

Kerajaan BN masih belum boleh dibentuk di Perak dan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat masih sah di sudut undang-undang.

Menurut Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri Perak, terdapat tiga cara untuk menukar menukar kerajaan. Pertama, melalui pembubaran Dun. Menteri Besar Perak menasihati Paduka Seri Sultan Perak supaya membubarkan Dun bagi membolehkan pilihan raya peringkat negeri diadakan dan memberi mandat rakyat memilih kerajaan yang baru.

Kedua Menteri Besar Perak dan semua Exco meletakan jawatan dan menyerahkan jawatan kepada parti yang mendapat kerusi majoriti memerintah Perak.

Ketiga melalui usul undi tidak percaya di Dewan Undangan Negeri. Sekirnya pilihan pertama dan kedua tidak berlaku, rakyat kena menunggu sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri dipanggil bagi membolehkan Usul Undi tidak percaya dibentangkan.

Justeru, selagi Sidang Dun belum bersidang dan Usul Undi Tidak Percaya dibentangkan dan mendapat undi majoriti, selagi itulah Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat kekal memerintah. - mns _

10 ribu warga Perak, kini berkumpul di kediaman MB
Intan Abdullah & Salmiyah Harun
Thu | Feb 05, 09 | 10:01:20 pm MYT

IPOH 5 Feb (Hrkh) - TERKINI: Susulan keengganan Menteri Besar dan seluruh Exco Kerajaan Perak meletakan jawatan. Jam 9.30 malam ini, lebih 10 ribu penyokong dan pendokong Pakatan Rakyat dari pelbagai kaum memenuhi perkarangan kediaman rasmi Menteri Besar Perak bagi menyatakan sokongan kepada Dato' Seri Ir Nizar Jamaluddin dan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Perak.

Ketika ini, ceramah perdana pimpinan utama Pakatan Rakyat sedang dilangsungkan di perkarangan kediaman tersebut. Semua 28 Adun Pakatan Rakyat Perak hadir disamping beberapa pemimpin lain seperti Ahli Parlimen Titiwangsa, Dr Lo'Lo' dato' Ghazali, Ahli Parlimen Siputeh, Teresa Kok dan Adun-adun Pakatan Rakyat dari Selangor.

Bekalan elektrik di kediaman Menteri Besar itu dijangka akan diputuskan pada bila-bila masa sahaja bagi menghalang sebarang aktiviti diadakan oleh Pakatan Rakyat. Arahan memutuskan bekalan elektrik ini dipercayai arahan dari pihak BN, yang kinik ghairah untuk membentuk kerajaan esok.

Unit Simpanan Persekutuan (FRU) kini masih berada di luar pintu masuk utama kediaman rasmi tersebut dan turut sama mendengar ceramah yang diadakan. Mereka mengawasi keadaan di sini bagi mengelakkan sebarang insiden yang tidak diinginan dari terjadi. - tmj_

Nizar tegas tidak undur
Thu | Feb 05, 09 | 6:50:03 pm MYT

KUALA LUMPUR, 5 Feb (Hrkh) - Perdana Menteri Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi meninggalkan Istana Kinta jam 6.15 petang.

Difahamkan majlis angkat sumpah menteri besar BN dan barisan exconya akan diadakan esok.

Menteri Besar, Dato' Seri Ir Nizar Jamaluddin bertegas tidak akan mengundurkan diri.

Sumber pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat yang sedang berkubu di kediaman rasmi Menteri Besar menyatakan, mereka tetap mengadakan perhimpunan besar di lokasi tersebut seperti dirancang walaupun diberikan amaran oleh polis.

Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan tengah hari ini berkata polis tidak akan bertolak ansur terhadap mereka yang mengadakan sebarang perhimpunan di negeri itu. _

Salahuddin kerah pemuda PAS seluruh negara datang ke Ipoh

Intan Abdullah & Salmiyah Harun
Thu | Feb 05, 09 | 9:13:22 pm MYT

IPOH, 5 Feb (Hrkh): 8.45 malam - Ketua Pemuda PAS, Salahuddin Ayub mengarahkan pemuda PAS di seluruh negara supaya datang ke Ipoh sebagai tanda sokongan kepada Menteri Besar Perak, Dato' Seri Muhamad Nizar Jamaluddin dan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Perak.

Salahuddin semasa ditemu bual di Kediaman Menteri Besar oleh wartawan Intan Abdullah berkata, selepas ini Pakatan Rakyat akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang bagi mengesahkan status tiga orang Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) bebas di Mahkamah.

Tiga Adun tersebut ialah, Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang), Osman Jailu (Changkat Jering) dan Hee Yit Foong (Jelapang).

Dalam pada itu, sehingga berita ini ditulis, Pakatan Rakyat masih bermesyuarat di kediaman Menteri Besar yang membabitkan 28 Adun serta pimpinan tertinggi Pakatan Rakyat.

Antaranya ialah Ahli Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat, Dr Lo' Lo' Ghazali, Ketua Muslimat PAS Pusat, Nuridah Salleh dan dua Ahli Majlis Tertinggi Parti Keadilan Rakyat (KeADILan), Tian Chua dan Elizebeth Wong.

Sementera itu, di luar kediaman tersebut kelihatan orang ramai masih bersemangat menyatakan sokongan mereka kepada Nizar dan Pakatan Rakyat.

Pasukan polis pula mengepung kediaman biarpun dalam keadaan hujan renyai. - mns_

Exco Pakatan Rakyat enggan kosongkan pejabat

Intan Abdullah dan Salmiyah Harun
Thu | Feb 05, 09 | 8:13:27 pm MYT

IPOH, 5 Jan (Hrkh) - Kesemua Adun Perak menerima surat jemputan ke majlis perlantikan Menteri Besar Perak yang dijadualkan akan diadakan esok, di Istana Iskandariah, Kuala Kangsar pada jam 3.00 petang.

Bagaimanapun, menurut Menteri Besar Perak, Dato' Seri Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, semua mereka tidak akan menghadiri majlis tersebut dan bertindak memulaukannya.

Sementara itu, Nizar yang ditemui di kediaman rasminya berkata, kesemua exco Pakatan Rakyat bertekad tidak akan mengosongkan pejabat masing-masing di SUK, biarpun diminta berbuat demikian.

Ketika ini, kediaman rasmi MB dipenuhi kira-kira 500 penyokong Pakatan Rakyat dengan sepanduk yang berbunyi 'Bubarkan Dun, Kembalikan Suara Rakyat' serta laungan takbir.

Dalam pada itu, penyokong dan pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat kini sedang bersiap-siap untuk menunaikan solat hajat di kediaman tersebut, yang dikawal ketat oleh Unit Amal PAS.

Pihak polis kini dikatakan sedang giat membuat sekatan di semua jalan utama ke kediaman rasmi MB._

No dissolution, new gov't to be sworn in
Feb 5, 09 10:25am


11.00pm Ceremah ends peacefully following a prayer session. Mohd Nizar the only top brass to speak. Others key figures such as Anwar, Hadi Awang, Kit Siang and Guan Eng did not appear to address the crowd, estimated at about 6,000. They were requested to disperse peacefully and told to attend Friday prayers at Ubudiah Mosque in Kuala Kangsar tomorrow.

10.45pm: MB Mohd Nizar speaks. Says Pakatan will boycott swearing in of BN reps tomorrow although they have been invited. He continues, "We will never recognise this illegal BN government. We will create a wave of protest throughout the state and fight together with the people of Perak to the last drop of our blood."

10.40pm: About 1,000 people are on the street between Sam Tet School and the MB's residence, reducing four lanes to one. The traffic jam created as a result cause many impatient motorists to honk, this time probably to show their annoyance.

perak nizar jamaluddin snap election bn takeover pc 050209 0210.32pm: Announcement was made that electricity supply to the MB's residence may be disconnected. If that should happen, the crowds were advised to stay calm.

10.30pm: Motorists passing by the MB's residence honk in support. Inside, speeches are punctuated by shouts of Reformasi and Hancur BN. Crowds continue to swell. Many line up the street outside MB's residence.

10.20pm: Crowd growing. Police are not preventing people from entering the MB's residence. The hall where the ceremah is held is totally packed. Many willingly stand outside to listen to the speeches from Pakatan leaders. The crowd is estimated at 4,000 now. FRU troops now seen patrolling outside the MB's residence.

10pm: Ceremah is ongoing in the MB's residence. About 3,000 people are said to be in attendance listening attentively on the sprawling grounds of the official residence. The crowd appears orderly. Situation calm and peaceful. Only about 50 police officers present. Pakatan bigwigs yet to take to the stage.

9.30pm: Mohd Nizar says he still has hopes of getting an audience from the sultan. But he needs nothing short of a miracle as the window to meet the sultan is closing. BN's 28 state reps and three independents will be sworn in by Sultan Azlan Shah tomorrow.

Mohd Nizar also reveals that he had requested Anwar Ibrahim to file an emergency motion on the Perak political crisis during the next sitting of Parliament.

"This is now a national issue. Everybody wants to know about it so let it be discussed," he says.

Mohd Nizar reiterates that Barisan was grabbing power in the state
without following through the proper process.

"When the assembly sits in April, they can have a vote of
no confidence. Then there would be a smooth transition," he says.

8.45pm: Five FRU police trucks arrive creating some tension among those gathered outside the MB's residence. The crowd shouted at the riot police, while PAS security team closes the gate to the MB's residence. However, the police made no attempt to enter the residence.zaid ibrahim

8.15pm: Among the crowd seen outside the MB's residence are former de facto law minister Zaid Ibrahim and popular blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin.

7.50pm: About 1,000 Pakatan supporters are gathering outside MB's official residence. More are streaming in, creating a traffic jam in the area.

Despite warnings of tough action, police presence is minimal apart from traffic cops helping to ease congestion. The MB's residence has been sealed off by the PAS security team, Unit Amal. With the state government headquarters taken over by police this afternoon, there is fear that Mohd Nizar could be evicted from his official residence.

Many in the crowd are spotted holding umbrellas as there is a light drizzle. Banners at the gathering called for the dissolution of the state assembly as well as the return of power to the people. Pakatan top guns, including Anwar Ibrahim, are due to speak later tonight.

7.10pm: Chenderiang assemblyman Dr Mah Hang Soon, who is the sole MCA state rep in Perak, told Malaysiakini that he is likely to be one of the executive councillors in the new state cabinet line-up.

The MCA Youth deputy chief said that according to BN tradition, MCA will have one post in the state cabinet. However, he said he has yet been informed which portfolio he would be given. Mah added that the new government will be sworn in tomorrow at 3.30pm.

dr zambry abd kadir perak new cm bn 0502096.45pm: Pakatan supporters have been told to gather at the Menteri Besar Mohd Nizar's official residence after gates to the Ipoh Stadium were found to be locked.

6.15pm: PM Abdullah was seen leaving Istana Kinta. According to the latest information, the new BN-led state government is expected to be sworn in by Sultan Azlan Shah tomorrow in Iskandariah.

On arrival in Kuala Lumpur in Subang airport, Abdullah announced that Umno's Zambry Abd Kadir (right), 47, who is Pangkor state assemblyperson, has been picked as the new Perak menteri besar. A former lecturer of International Islamic University, Zambry has a Phd in politics.

perak bn takeover crisis 050209 025.50pm: PM Abdullah arrives at Istana Kinta in Ipoh. He joins Najib and all 28 BN state representatives as well as the three Independents who are already inside the palace. They will be sworn in by Sultan Azlan Shah to take over the state government.

4.58pm: A new BN government is expected to be sworn in today. Bernama reported that Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and the state BN representatives have arrived at Istana Kinta. Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who is on an official visit to the state, is also expected to be present at the palace any time now.

perak bn takeover crisis 050209 fru block suk4.53pm: The police have taken over the state secretariat building. All Pakatan officials in the complex are told to pack up and leave by 5pm.

4.50pm: Pakatan leader Anwar Ibrahim said that they want to meet the sultan to convince him to dissolve the assembly.

4.45pm: PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang said that the Pakatan leadership fully backed Mohd Nizar's government. He added that the menteri besar will not resign unless a special state assembly session was called or fresh elections held.

4.40pm: Mohd Nizar tells the press conference that he would not resign from his post as the menteri besar. He urged the people to back his Pakatan government.

slim majority in perak update 040209He also said that the assembly speaker had filed a suit on the validity of the resignation letters submitted by three former Pakatan state representatives and said that it was only wise to wait for the court to decide on the matter.

"The BN's majority may not be a valid one," he said.

4.15pm A source inside the Pakatan meeting at the MB's residence say that the atmosphere inside is sombre. Anwar is chairing the meeting, with everyone is being allowed to have a say.

4.14pm Unconfirmed reports state that former DAP state assemblyperson Hee Yit Foong's house in Ipoh and her service centre in Jelapang have been pelted with stones by people angry with her defection.

4.10pm Roads leading to the state secretariat have been blocked by the police to stop people from gathering there.

4.05pm: State secretary Abdul Rahman Hashim instructs Menteri Besar Mohd Nizar, all exco members and their aides to vacate their offices at the state secretariat as soon as possible. They have been reminded not to take any official documents with them. They were also told to hand in their official car keys as well as the keys to their offices. [Click here to see the notice]

3.25pm: It learnt that Mohd Nizar will announce his refusal to resign as requested by the sultan.

perak bn takeover crisis 050209 pakatan3.20pm All top Pakatan leaders are in a meeting at Mohd Nizar's official residence to chart their next course of action. A press conference is expected to be held soon. Notable absentees are Kedah MB Azizan Razak and Kelantan MB Niz Aziz Nik Mat.

About 30 supporters have gathered outside the residence. A big team of some 50 journalists are also waiting there.

perak constitution article 163pm: The office of the Sultan of Perak, in a statement, said that after meeting all the 28 BN assemblypersons and the three independents, the sultan was convinced that Mohd Nizar had ceased to command the confidence of the majority of the state assembly members.

"If YAB Datuk Seri Ir. Mohammad Nizar bin Jamaluddin does not resign his post as Perak menteri besar together with the members of the state executive council, the posts of menteri besar and state executive councillors are considered vacant," the statement said.

2.40pm: The five Indian state representatives in Perak - A Sivasubramaniam (DAP-Buntong), V Sivakumar (DAP-Tronoh), Keshvinder Singh (DAP-Malim Nawar), S Kesavan (PKR-Hutan Melintang) and A Sivanesan (DAP-Sungkai) - held a press conference earlier today that they would remain loyal to Pakatan Rakyat.

Speaker Sivakumar said that various approaches were made to entice them to cross over to BN.

"We were offered money and high posts in party (MIC) and government but we rejected the advances of these people," he said.

2.27pm: Bernama reports that the Sultan of Perak has rejected the request by Mohd Nizar for the dissolution of the state assembly. The report also said that the sultan has asked Mohd Nizar to step down to pave the way for a power transfer.

2.14pm: Tonight's 100,000 people gathering in support of the Pakatan government has been shifted to Stadium Ipoh from the menteri besar's official residence.

The police have issued warnings against those who take part in "illegal gatherings" in Ipoh.

anwar pkr perak bn takeover meeting 050209 022pm: Anwar arrives at Mohd Nizar's house. He is expected to hold a press conference together the menteri besar and Penang CM Lim Guan Eng at 3pm. PKR vice-president Azmin Ali is also there. [Watch 6-min VIDEO]

1.32pm: A PKR source says that the sultan had asked Mohd Nizar to step down as menteri besar to allow a smooth transistion of power at their brief meeting today but the latter had refused to do so.

1.30pm: Najib just ended his Perak Umno meeting and left the party's state headquarters without calling a press conference. It is learnt there was a discussion on who to be appointed as new menteri besar.

1.25pm: Najib is still at the Umno meeting. However, it is learnt that he will not be holding a press conference after the meeting.

1.05pm: Perak MB Mohd Nizar leaves the palace. He waved and smiled at reporters. He just said: "Good signs. Alhamdulliah." His meeting with the sultan lasted 15 minutes. He had entered the palace at 12.50pm.

Mohd Nizar will be holding a press conference along with Pakatan leader Anwar Ibrahim and DAP leader Lim Guan Eng at 3pm.

12.50pm: Najib is presently chairing an Umno meeting in Ipoh where the choice of the new menteri besar is being discussed. He is expected to call for a press conference within the next hour.

12.40pm: There is an indication that Sultan Azlan Shah will allow Barisan Nasional to form a state government with the participation of three independents.

It is learnt that the sultan met with the four defectors at Istana Kinta this morning.

najib meet with sultan perak pc 050209 02The four had accompanied Najib to the palace during the deputy prime minister's second visit to see the sultan. BN's 28 state representatives were also present.

At a brief press conference later, Najib said that all BN state assemblypersons and three Independents have given their undertaking to the sultan that they will back a Barisan-led government.

‘As such, we will leave it to the sultan to make his decision and we shall respect his decision,” he said.

When asked who would be BN’s choice for MB, Najib said that they would first wait for the sultan’s decision.

Menteri Besar Mohd Nizar is still in a meeting with sultan.

Earlier today

Sultan Azlan Shah met with Perak BN chief Najib Abdul Razak at the Istana Kinta in Ipoh this morning, and this was to be followed by another meeting with Perak Menteri Besar Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin.

najib meet with sultan perak pc 050209 01Najib has informed the sultan of BN's strength in numbers in the state assembly that will allow the coalition to take over the control of the state from Pakatan Rakyat.

On the other hand, Mohd Nizar is advising the sultan to dissolve the state assembly to pave way for fresh elections in the state to resolve the political impasse.

Also present at the meeting with the deputy prime minister is Perak Umno deputy chief Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Najib and Ahmad Zahid arrived at the palace at 9.50am.

najib meet sultan of perak 050209 02He left at 10.35am and returned about 20 minutes later with four former Pakatan assemblypersons who had pledged support for BN. The party left at 11.30am.

Meanwhile, Mohd Nizar is currently on his way to meet with the sultan. He left Bagan Serai at 11.30am where he was attending a function officiated by Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

He told journalists there that he had been summoned by the sultan.

After the meeting with the sultan, Najib, who is also the Perak Umno chief, will be chairing a state Umno meeting. Top on the agenda would the choice of menteri besar to lead the BN government.

He had earlier cancelled a function in Putrajaya this morning to attend the meeting with the sultan.

Pakatan goes to court

perak political mess 040209Meanwhile, Perak state assembly speaker V Sivakumar has applied to the High Court to declare that undated resignations letters by former Pakatan representatives as valid.

The three - PKR's Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi and Osman Jailu, and DAP's Hee Yit Foong - have claimed that their quit letters signed soon after being elected as assemblypersons last March were done under duress.

The Election Commission has overruled the Perak speaker on the matter.

Yesterday Perak MB Mohd Nizar met the sultan for almost two hours to request for dissolution of the state assembly so that a snap state election could be held.

Mohd Nizar's meeting coincided with the defection of four Pakatan representatives to BN yesterday, severely altering the number of seats from Pakatan to BN.

The fate of the state government now hinges on the sultan. Political observers are waiting to see if he would allow BN to form the state government or will dissolve the state assembly.

Among the other developments taking place in Perak today:

  • Pakatan will be holding its council meeting in Ipoh later this afternoon. Pakatan leader Anwar Ibrahim and all other top guns from the alliance are expected to be present at the meeting.

  • A mammoth gathering is also being organised tonight outside the menteri besar's residence in support of the embattled Pakatan government. A crowd of about 100,000 is expected.

  • Anwar and other top Pakatan leaders are among the speakers at the rally, which is to begin at 7.30pm. Police chief Musa Hasan has warned that action will be taken against illegal gatherings in Ipoh.

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