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foto-foto aktiviti dakwah dan kemanusiaan

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

NASIB UMAT RUHINGYA...siapa yang peduli?

IKRAR: (Ikatan Kebajikan Rakyat). Badan bebas dan non partisan. Fokus kepada nasib dan kebajikan rakyat.
3 Sept

Saya diminta untuk membentangkan nasib umat Ruhingya pada malam 5 Sept sementara menunggu kehadiran DSAI untuk acara - Pidato Ramadhan , "memperkasa umat menurut Al-Quran" Surau Nurul Huda, Batu 6, Tambun.. Saya cuba mengutip beberapa bahan dari beberapa presentasi oleh sdr kita dari Ruhingya ketika mereka membentangkannya di Bengkel Pertemuan Wakil Antarabangsa yang berada di Malaysia. Hampir 25 negara turut hadir dalam bengkel tersebut selama 3 hari di Pulau Pinang. Kertas ini dibentang oleh wakil mereka yang sedang melanjutkan pelajaran PhD di USM P. Pinang. (Bro. Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali)

Bahan utama sudah pasti asal mula Ruhingya. (maaf belum sempat diterjemahkan)

Prior to Burman occupation of Arakan in 1784,

Ruled by Hindus, Buddhists and Muslim

Muslim Sultanate beginning in 1430 lasted for more than 350 years

Until it was invaded and occupied by Burman king Bodaw Paya in 1784.

In the year 1824, British occupied Arakan put under India

In 1937, separated form British India

Arakan became a province of independent Burma in 1948.


Extra judicial killing: Since 1989 thousands of Rohingya youths and madrasah students were killed.Arbitrary arrest and extortion: is a daily routine of business of Na-Sa-Ka and police. It is popularly known as Kalar Hmu. Confiscation of properties: Land, and cattle confiscated and distribute it among Burman model villagers. Now, there are 100 model villages. Each village has 70-100 household and Each house was provided with 4 acres of land and 2 pairs of cows. Anti-Rohingya and anti-Muslim propaganda:

The junta incites communal riots by allowing to distribute books and taped records insulting Islam and Muslims.

Rape: Rape of women is widespread. It was an official strategy to terrorize and compel the Rohingya community to flee.

Forced labor: Although forced labor is prevalent throughout Burma, in North Arakan, it is only imposed on the Rohingyas.

Restriction on movements: Rohingyas are not allowed to travel freely from one place to another, even within the same locality.

Restriction on marriage: take years to obtain permission, requires payment of bribes. Some brides are forced to undergo a pregnancy test. Unauthorized marriages are criminalized and are sentenced with 4 to 7 years.

Restriction on employment: As non-citizens, we are barred from all kind of employment and therefore people are jobless. Restriction on education: Illiteracy is at 80%. Primary and secondary education is neglected. Due to restrictions of movement, we are prevented from attending higher education. Restriction on marriage: take years to obtain permission, requires payment of bribes. Some brides are forced to undergo a pregnancy test. Unauthorized marriages are criminalized and are sentenced with 4 to 7 years.

Restriction on employment: As non-citizens, we are barred from all kind of employment and therefore people are jobless.

Restriction on education: Illiteracy is at 80%. Primary and secondary education is neglected.
Due to restrictions of movement, we are prevented from attending higher education.

Restriction on religious practices, Many mosques have been destroyed and closed down. No permission is given even to renovate Masjids and madrasahs while building new one is totally forbidden. It means within more and less than twenty years there will not be seen any Islamic symbolical housings. Most of them are build of woods and bamboos. Contrary to it there is no hill-top left that there is no pagoda on it. 100 new Buddhist settlement.
The demography of Arakan change into Buddhism appearance.

IBF Peduli Muslim Rohingya PDF Cetak E-mail
Wednesday, 04 March 2009
JAKARTA – Islamic Book Fair (IBF) menggelar acara “Peduli Muslim Rohingya “, di Senayan, Jakarta, pada Selasa (3/3). Acara “Peduli Muslim Rohingya “ digelar dengan mengadakan talk show dan penggalangan dana. Muslim Rohingya memililki nasib sama dengan muslim Palestine, muslim Rohingya adalah umat Islam yang teraniaya yang tinggal di Negara Bagian Barat Myanmar. Demikian disampaikan Ustad Felix Y Siauw dari Badan Waqaf Al Quran, dan Abdullah Fanani dari Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia.

Muslim Rohingya, adalah muslim Myanmar yang tidak diinginkan yang mengalami penyiksaan, pelecehan seksual dari Militer Myanmar,” ungkap Felix. Padahal, Muslim Rohingya sudah tinggal di Myanmar selama 100 tahun di Arakan, Negara Bagian Barat Myanmar, yang awalnya mecapai 700 ribu orang. Komunitas muslim yang minoritas di Myanmar mendapat penyiksaan dan tidak diakui sebagai bagian dari warga Negara Myanmar.
Di Myanmar terdapat 137 suku, dan Muslim Rohingya tidak menjadi bagian dari suku tersebut, karena muslim Rohingya berkulit hitam dan beragama Islam. Sementara umumnya warga Myanmar berkulit Putih (Indo China) dan Bergama Budha,” papar Felix panjang lebar. Sejak tahun 1948, kata Felix, Muslim Rohingya mengalami penyiksaan, pemerkosaan dan penganiayaan pada peristiwa operasi Naga. Pada tahun 1991 hingga 1992, Muslim Rohingya terusir dari Myanmar oleh penguasa Junta Militer.
“Mereka tidak memiliki KTP (KAD pengenalan) , tidak mendapat fasilitas kesehatan, pendidikan, pernikahan, keluarga dan ekonomi,” ungkap Felix. Aye Tha Aung, tokoh adat dan anggota parlemen Myanmar secara tegas tidak mengakui Rohingya sebagai bagian dari Myanmar. Namun ketika mereka terusir dan mengungsi ke Bangladesh, mereka kembali terusir. Di Bangladesh, muslim Rohingya tinggal di tenda yang sangat kecil, yakni 16 orang menempati tenda seluas 3 meter persegi.
“Umat muslim Rohingya adalah bagian dari umat muslim, bagian dari kita,” tambah Fanani. Seharusnya, kata Fanani, umat Islam tidak terkotak-kotak oleh ikatan nasionalisme karena umat Islam disatukn oleh ikatan aqidah. Sejak desember 2008, muslim Ruhingya meninggalkan Myanmar menuju Thailand dengan menggunakan kapal nelayan, satu kapal dinaiki oleh 200 orang. Namun ketika sampai di Thailand, muslim Rohingya kembali mendapatkan tekanan dan penyiksaan.

“Muslim Rohingya meninggalkan Myanmar untuk menyelamatkan diri dan menyelamatkan aqidahnya,” lanjut Fanani. Dengan kondisi yang dialami muslim Rohingya, maka menjadi kewajiban umat Islam di Indonesia untuk turut membantu.

“Sejauh ini bantuan yang dapat diberikan adalah bantuan materi, meski sebenarnya bantuan tersebut belum dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi Muslim Rohingya,” kata Fanani. Idealnya, kata Fanani, umat Islam seharusnya berada di bawah naungan aqidah Islam dan berada dalam dalam naungan kalifah Islam. Sehingga ketika umat Islam tersakiti, pemimpin akan melindunginya. Namun, meskipun solusi tepat belum dapat dterapkan, umat Islam berkewajiban untuk membantu dalam bentu materi. Panitia IBF menfasilitasi bantuan umat Islam Indonesia untuk Muslim Rohingya, melalui Stan Badan Waqaf.

Rohingya People Forcibly Expelled from Myanmar/Burma: Amnesty International Reports

Hundreds of Myanmar's Rohingya people are missing at sea and many more are at risk of drowning after Thai authorities forcibly expelled large groups of Rohingyas seeking refuge.

Thousands of Rohingyas, a Muslim minority from Rakhine State, western Myanmar (formerly Burma), who have been subjected to years of persecution in Myanmar, have fled in recent months on boats sailing for Thailand and Malaysia.

However, the Thai military forcibly expelled around 1,000 Rohingyas arriving in southwest Thailand by boat, while the Indian and Indonesian authorities have rescued hundreds of them. Hundreds of Rohingyas are missing or have died after the Thai security forces set them adrift in unseaworthy boats with little or no food and water.
Myanmar Burma Map
"The Rohingya's situation has reached a critical stage over the last two months. The Thai government must stop forcibly expelling Rohingyas and provide them with immediate humanitarian assistance and cease any plans to proceed with more expulsions," said Sam Zarifi, Amnesty International's Asia-Pacific Director.

Indonesia announced on Thursday that it was still determining the fate of almost 200 Rohingyas and Bangladeshis who had landed in Weh Island, Aceh province on 7 January. The Indian navy have rescued hundreds of Rohingyas on or near the Andaman Islands.

In light of the plight of the Rohingyas, Amnesty International has urged Myanmar to stop the systematic persecution of the group. Amnesty International has also urged Myanmar's neighbours to provide the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) immediate access to all Rohingyas in their territory and to ratify the UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, its 1967 Protocol, and the UN Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons.

"The governments of Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Myanmar, Thailand and India must also fulfil their obligation to provide assistance to those in distress at sea, regardless of nationality, status or circumstances, and to provide a search and rescue service."

"We welcome Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's stated commitment to convene a regional forum on the Rohingyas. It is only through a regional initiative, involving Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand, and with the participation of UNHCR, that a durable solution can be found to the plight of the Rohingyas," said Sam Zarifi.

"Any regional solution must ensure that those Rohingyas who have a well-founded fear of persecution in Myanmar are not returned there."

For the last three decades, hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas have fled systematic persecution to neighbouring countries in Asia, the vast majority to Bangladesh. Within Myanmar, the Rohingyas suffer from specific deeply discriminatory policies targeting them. They are denied citizenship and are thus effectively stateless.

Rohingyas who are returned to Myanmar continue to be at serious risk of human rights violations, including forced labour, forced eviction, land confiscation, and severe restrictions on freedom of movement

ASIA: Regional approach to Rohingya boat people

Photo: David Swanson/IRIN
Thousands of Rohingya have fled Myanmar in recent decades
HUA HIN, 2 March 2009 (IRIN) - Southeast Asian leaders have agreed to use the regional mechanism, known as the "Bali process", to try to solve the problem of the minority Muslim Rohingyas fleeing Myanmar.

The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) made the decision at its annual meeting in Thailand at the weekend.

"The matter of the Muslim migrants from Myanmar is a regional issue that needs to be resolved regionally," the Malaysian Prime Minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, told IRIN at the end of the two-day ASEAN summit in the coastal town of Cha-am Hua Hin, Thailand.

"It is not good for us and we agreed that an ASEAN country should not export problems to another," he added.

"The foreign ministers decided that Rohingya issue is best discussed at the Bali process," Surin Pitsuwan, secretary-general of ASEAN, told journalists.

"This problem is a human problem, a problem of humanity as a whole," he said.

The next annual ministerial meeting of the group, scheduled in Bali on 14-15 April, will discuss the issue, the Indonesian foreign minister, who is co-chair of the Bali process with Australia, Hasan Wirajuda, told reporters at the summit, a meeting Myanmar has confirmed it would attend.

"The Bali process is a very attractive and viable option for the region to get together to discuss the Rohingya issue," Surin told IRIN.

"ASEAN member states affected by the problem can come together and pool their expertise and resources to put this problem into a proper context and manage it together," he said.

The Bali process

The Bali process, established in 2002, involves more than 50 countries committed to practical measures to help combat people-smuggling and trafficking, and related transnational crimes in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.

"It is primarily a process and framework for information-sharing and training of officials, in law enforcement and drafting legislation, in connection with the smuggling and trafficking of people and other crimes," said Chris Lom, regional spokesman for the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in Bangkok.

IOM and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) are part of the secretariat and help facilitate meetings.

Long-standing problem

Photo: ReliefWeb
A map showing the home area of the Rohingya people in Rakhine state, northwestern Myanmar, and two places where the Rohingya have recently fled to in boats: the Andaman Islands in Thailand and Aceh in Indonesia

The problem of the Rohingyas - or Bengalis as the Myanmar government calls them - resurfaced a few months ago when thousands risked their lives for a better life in Malaysia or Indonesia. They spent weeks in small boats braving the rough seas off the eastern coast of Southeast Asia.

Hundreds who made it to Thailand were then pushed out to sea by the Thai authorities with little food or water. Many ended up in Aceh, Indonesia, and the Indian Andaman islands.

The Myanmar foreign minister, Nyan Win, told his ASEAN counterparts his country would readily accept all those Rohingya from Arakan (Rakhine state), in the northwest, who could prove their citizenship.

It has been left to the ASEAN secretariat to conduct a census of all those Myanmar Muslims in Indonesia, India and Thailand.

But while this may help the return of the boat people who have already tried to escape persecution in their home country, it is not likely to stem a mass exodus.

"Myanmar must improve its treatment of the Rohingya. As long as they continue to be persecuted in Myanmar, the Rohingya will continue to leave the country, regardless of their legal status elsewhere," the Washington DC-based Refugees International said in a statement released for the ASEAN summit.

"Rohingyas cannot freely move from village to village, are victims of rape and torture, are subjected to forced labour, land confiscation, extortion, and their men and women are also banned from getting married."

UNHCR says there are some 28,000 recognised Rohingya refugees in two UNHCR camps in Bangladesh and 200,000 unregistered RRohingya People Photo

Rohingya outside the camps.

Pengakuan dari sdr Ruhingya yang tersadai di Aceh..

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