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foto-foto aktiviti dakwah dan kemanusiaan

Saturday, June 6, 2009


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Singkatan;IKRAR (Ikatan Kebajikan Rakyat)

7 jun

Obama and Egypt: actions speak louder than words?

Michael Allen, - Egypt

While welcoming Obama’s Cairo speech for potentially sparking a renewal of Arab democratic discourse, activists like publisher and human rights activist Hisham Kassem are concerned less with what Obama says than what he does.

In this respect, concerns were voiced at today’s Capitol Hill meeting discussing how new authoritarians are undermining democracy when conservative and liberal panelists alike expressed concern that the administration had not only slashed funding for civil society programs in Egypt but agreed to channel U.S. government funds only to NGOs officially-approved by the Mubarak regime.

Liberal Democratic analyst Peter Beinart accepted that security concerns and other diplomatic imperatives meant that governments often have to make “real and ugly trade-offs”. But the NGO funding cuts were “troubling” especially since the Mubarak regime had little leverage over the U.S. and no other strategic options.

For all the rhetorical flourishes of the Freedom Agenda, George W. Bush had signally failed to consistently promote democracy - not least in Egypt, said Robert Kagan. It would be perverse if the Obama administration decided “that it should not promote democracy because the Bush administration had made such a bad job of promoting democracy,” he said.

The Washington Institute’s Rob Satloff makes the observation that the president implicitly entered the political debate between liberals and Islamists within Muslim societies and, “either by design or by inattention”, came down in favor of the latter:

Islamist parties across the region will cheer the fact that Obama cited only two benchmarks for U.S. recognition of Islamist parties, i.e., “peaceful and law-abiding,” when the content of their message and the values they project — including the imposition of sharia (Islamic law) — can often be antithetical to our own. He made no reference to the frequent cooperation of autocrats and Islamists in denying political space to non-Islamist political parties, especially liberals who often do share American values.

MB Chairman Will Respond to Obama’s Speech on Saturday

IkhwanWeb - Egypt

Mr. Mohammed Mahdy Akef, Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood group has stressed that he will respond to the US President Barak Obama’s speech today in Cairo University.

In his remarks to journalists and the media Akef stated that Obama’s speech included many general principles agreed upon by everyone, however each of the cases Obama highlighted needs to be studied and researched and he will be commenting on all these issues adequately on Saturday.

The Chairman has stressed earlier to the “the Voice of America” radio that he welcomes Obama and everyone coming to Egypt, but Obama has inherited a great responsibility after his predecessors, therefore we are awaiting his stance from two cases in particular.

The first is that his predecessors have deeply harmed Arabs and Muslims as they killed thousands and displaced millions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan and most recently Pakistan as well as our great case of Palestine and the strong bias of the US to the Zionists and he wondered; what would Obama say about this bequest?

And the other case is the case of dictatorship in the Arab and Islamic nation which is supported by the US administration.

Therefore we are waiting to know his stance and whether he is ready to change this? This is what we need to know.

“from here I am telling Obama that the Arab and Islamic world are expecting one thing from him, that is for his concepts to conform with the high and general principles, and that under any conditions we do not accept any despotism, prejudice or dictatorship in any region”, added Akef as he concluded his speech.

Balasan ucapan dari Ikhwan...

The MB described American President Barack Obama’s speech last Thursday to the Islamic world as “a mere public relations campaign and an attempt to beautify America’s image that had been tarnished by its injustice, invasions, and crimes of aggression and Arab-Muslim bloodshed everywhere, especially in Palestine.”

In their statement on Saturday, the MB emphasized that if the American-led campaign against Muslims didn’t stop tension would continue and rise, resistance would increase and strengthen, and the instability around the world would remain so long as America and its leadership don’t change their unjust stances supportive of Zionists and their unjust followers.

“The general principles of human rights, justice, the necessity of dialogue based on mutual respect and trust, and others which President Obama mentioned in his speech are unarguable,” the statement said affirming that the emotional phrases and eloquent language Obama used in his speech through which he tried to win the hearts of Muslims neither establish any justice nor restore any right to Muslims whether in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, or any other country in the Islamic world where Muslim bloodshed is found day and night under the planning and cunningness of the successive American administrations.

The statement also explained that Obama’s declaration of America’s continuing support for Israel to attain their security and failure to recognize the right of Palestinian resistance against Israeli occupation confirms that Obama is following the path of his predecessors in their double standards policy.

The statement also denounced the short and superficial reference to democracy and criticizing of the peoples calling for it in the Arab-Islamic world while ignoring the existing dictatorships and unjust and corrupt regimes which suppress their peoples and marginalize their roles.

kOMENTAR DARI eramuslim......

Ketika Obama Membeli Negeri-Negeri Arab

Jumat, 05/06/2009 09:38 WIB

Pertama kali presiden AS itu menjejakkan kakinya di tanah Arab, ia sudah menyihir rakyat Arab, yang memang sejak awal sebagian besar sudah terkesima.

Pidatonya kemudian mendapatkan standing ovation, sebuah penghargaan tak tertulis yang biasa dilakukan di Barat, dan nilainya melebihi piagam dan piala resmi apapun.

Obama berbicara tentang semuanya, termasuk menyitir salah satu ayat Al Quran, yang—tentu saja!,—membuat warga Arab semakin jatuh hati. Tidak hanya Arab, dunia pun seakan tersihir oleh isi pidato itu. Hanya sedikit sekali orang yang bisa menangkap kemana arah pembicaraan Obama. Benarkah ia ingin agar orang Islam di seluruh dunia berjumlah sekitar 1,5 miliar ini memberikan cara pandang yang berbeda kepada Amerika, negaranya itu?

Faktanya, jika mau ditelaah lebih lanjut, pidato Obama lebih banyak berat sebelah, dengan komparasi yang tak berimbang, dan ini ditelan mentah-mentah oleh audiens. Obama mungkin tengah berpikir bahwa ia tengah membangun hubungan dengan status baru dengan orang-orang Islam, tapi ia banyak melupakan sisi-sisi dan perspektif kepentingan umat Islam. Ketika berbicara tentang emansipasi wanita di negara-negara Muslim, Obama membandingkannya dengan perjuangan wanita di Amerika.

Ketika berbicara tentang Yahudi, ia menyodorkan konsep dua negara, dengan retorika, “Orang-orang Israel harus tahu bahwa hak-hak orang Yahudi Israel tak akan bisa ditolak, sama dengan hak-hak orang Palestina.” Lihatlah, Obama menyebutkan Israel terlebih dahulu, seolah-olah Palestina adalah yang datang belakangan dan mengganggu eksitensi Israel.

Obama juga memutar-mutar sejarah ketika ia mengatakan bagaimana “Islam selalu menjadi bagian dari kisah Amerika.” Ia berkata, “Ketika penyerahan Tripoli 1796, presiden kami yang kedua, John Adams menulis, “AS sama sekali tidak mempunyai karakter menentang hukum, agama dan ketenangan umat Muslim.” Kedengarannya lembut dan seperti tengah merayakan hubungan Amerika dan umat Muslim, ketika kenyataannya dalam sejarah AS justru menyuap para penguasa Tripoli agar bisa menyerang Tripoli. Inilah konflik AS pertama dengan negeri Muslim di Afrika Utara. Di satu sisi Obama mengkritisi dunia Islam namun di sisi lain ia juga begitu defensif melindungi Amerika-nya. “AS telah menjadi salah satu sumber terbesar dari kemajuan dunia sekarang ini...”

Obama tidak banyak menyebut kebijakannya di Iraq dan Afghanistan, dan malah mempertajam ulasan tentang Holocaust dengan lagu lama yang sudah biasa kita dengar di media. “Menyangkal kejadian Holocaust sungguh tak bertanggung jawab, memalukan, dan hasad. ...” Obama lupa, tidak satupun orang Islam yang menyangkal tentang Holocaust yang dilakukan Nazi Jerman kepada Yahudi, tapi yang menjadi keberatan adalah mengapa Yahudi menimpakan kompensasinya kepada dunia Islam dengan klaim atas tanah Palestina? Juga soal jumlah definitif korban Holocaut yang disebutkan Obama sebesar 6 juta orang, apakah tak membaca dan melihat hasil penelitian para ahli selama ini?

Obama juga membuat sebuah sindiran tajam kepada Mesir. Bahwa selama ini ada kecenderungan jika umat Katolik Koptik yang ada di Mesir banyak ditolak oleh kelompok lainnya. Lantas, bagaimanakah dengan nasib orang-orang Islam di Amerika sendiri yang untuk makanan pun, mereka harus bersusah payah mencari yang halal di senatero negeri Amerika? Sedangkan umat Kristen Koptik di Mesir diperlakukan begitu bagi. Mungkin seseorang harus membaca novel “Ayat-Ayat Cinta”—bukan filmnya, untuk sekadar bisa mengetahui hubungan Koptik dan Muslim di Mesir.

Kita sadar, bahwa pidato Obama tak mungkin memuaskan semua pihak, terutama mereka yang telah terlanjur membenci Amerika karena George W. Bush, tapi pidato Obama telah melakukan sebuah pekerjaan yang efektif pada dunia Muslim secara dhahir. Obama adalah seorang salesman ulung melebihi pendahulu sebelumnya (betul, Presiden Bush!), dengan artian, para pendengarnya akan membeli pesan yang telah disampaikan oleh Obama. (sa/cm)

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